How do I love thee Harkness? Let me count the ways. There are endless spots with for epic portraits that include this 100+ year old Japanese maple. When the light hits right then forget about it ::heart eyes:: Danielle and Eric were also very photogenic which always makes things go easier. Nevermind that Eric showed up with a leg brace and was a trooper hobbling all over the park, especially since the couple brought their two year old and grandma to assist. The outfit choice also just matched the greens that were still popping and the early October gardens. We had to be a bit strategic dodging a full on wedding ceremony and many other photographers taking advantage of the golden evening.
I enjoyed getting to know them, hearing all about their plans next September and getting a few family photos too. Their wedding at St. Clément's waterfront property is going to be such party I can already tell. I think we should meet up again for a toddler play date so our girls can have some fun!
All smiles,