Mariel Monthly | April 2021

April 30, 2021

This month was spent basking in beginnings. Spring is definitely in the air if you couldn't tell by the header image. We had some great weather and the blossoms really popped mid-month!

On the 3rd we celebrated many things, the first was our vaccinations! My sister in law Kaitlin works in a pharmacy so when the opportunity came up for her family members to get the vaccine she scheduled us right away. I wasn't in any rush since I am safe when I go out and been working from home. I was mostly concerned with my doctor's opinion and they suggested it's better to be protected no matter what - soo that's what I did! And now I am all set for wedding season. I had a low grade fever and just overall tiredness but it only lasted a day! It put us out for Easter plans but that's okay! We also celebrated my in laws 50th anniversary & mother in law's bday. We had a great lunch together and felt like ages since we've all been together because of the pandemic. Of course I didn't get a photo of us which I regret but it was still nice.

The weather turned amazing and we got to get out, do some updating to the back area. It was a garden before and I thought that I would turn into this master gardener but when Mike really talked me through it it is NOT my thing. I don't like dirt or bugs or having to guard whatever I plant from the deer we get often in the yard. I did plant some hyacinths in the smaller part near the driveway. Got Kasey her spring haircut and is just the cutest!

We also got out and enjoyed some time with friends eating some amazing mac n cheese at Marlborough Tavern! My close group has all had at minimum their first shot and it feels good to see them regularly again.

Took my walks and enjoyed spring splendor!

Healthy eating & Dad visit
Kasey's new haircut

More About Mariel

This blog is a small representation of my most current sessions, my clients love stories and all the adventures I am privilaged to go on! Ways to my heart include coffee, feeding me before I am "hangry" and anything shabby chic/rustic. My vintage camera collection grows everday and I am usually smiling and quoting random movies. Most importantly Mariel O. Photo celebrates love in all forms regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation & gender identity.

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